The Network of Light in the West Midlands

by Philomena Houlihan-Wood

The Network of Light is alive and vibrant here in the West Midlands. I live in an ordinary street in the south of Birmingham not far from the city centre. Although I am surrounded by the usual bombardments of city life in the forms of constant traffic, noise, pollution, and litter, I am also intensely aware of and uplifted by a tangible continuous stream of Light and Love emanating from many and varied sources all around me.

Around the corner from my house there is a small Buddhist Centre which runs a “Peaceful Mind Café”. Many people are attracted by the tranquil loving atmosphere, where smiles and loving kindness are the order of the day alongside delicious soup and toasted sandwiches. It is the focused intention to operate this cafe from a point of love and service to humanity that creates such a restful atmosphere. Customers who drop in for a cup of tea leave feeling refreshed in body and soul. On another nearby street there is a small Yoga Centre offering ways of coming into resonance with the heart, mind and body in an atmosphere of community and fun.

There are many stores and shops where I experience smiles and heart warmth being directed towards me. I increasingly feel a sense of community with many people going about their daily business who know and experience the power of the radiant heart energy. One such shop is called simply “People”. It sells beautiful hand-made clothes and jewellery. When I step across its threshold I am always aware of the qualities of love and joy which the owners have in abundance. Everyone who comes into contact with them is made to feel cherished and beautiful. What draws people of all ages to return again and again to this shop? It is not necessarily to buy anything. It is to experience that expansiveness of the heart when they step into the magnetic energy of joy and happiness.

I experience all of these places and many more besides, as places of Love and Light - places where ordinary folk going about their ordinary everyday chores are actually doing something quite extra-ordinary. They are radiating the Light of Love. As the first day of each month draws near, I begin to turn my thoughts in a more consciously focused and directed way to what is being asked of us all at this time. How to make my daily life, in community and brotherhood, be an expression of the Divine. I gather together all the remembrances of loving kindness and joy and I place them like precious jewels in what Sir George Trevelyan called the “chamber of silence within the heart.”

As I enter into the Network of Light Meditation I keep in my awareness all the loving connections here in Birmingham. I focus this awareness with firm dedicated intention in my heart centre. I visualise it streaming outwards in glorious Divine luminosity to all the Light Centres around the British Isles and beyond into the wider world. Light and Love spreading and anchoring throughout the Earth, spiralling upwards in a clarion call of Peace and Harmony. Light streaming, encircling our planet, ascending and descending, energising and harmonising, transforming lives in a continuous wave of emerging consciousness. A vast dome of light cradling the Earth. Our task is to simply wake up to this ocean of Light being poured into the ordinary events of our lives and to radiate it outwards through an alignment of all of our hearts. This is surely Love made manifest.